Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sending push notifications to iOS devices : Deliver rich content directly to iOS apps
Develop with XQuery: A better programming language for the database programmer : Reap the benefits of XQuery with quicker development and easier maintenance
Introducing PyPy : An emerging implementation that combines science with practicality
Your first cup of CoffeeScript, Part 3: Using CoffeeScript on the client

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Device-aware mobile sites using PHP, JavaScript, and WURFL, Part 1: Get started using the WURFL PHP API : Taking the guesswork out of mobile device capabilities
Your first cup of CoffeeScript, Part 2: Learn the language with hands-on examples
Convert your web application to a multi-tenant SaaS solution : A checklist of considerations and steps to quickly turn your web app into a cloud application

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Scalable Vector Graphics in HTML5 : Basic concepts and usage
Designing a database for multi-tenancy on the cloud : Considerations for SaaS vendors
Getting started with Backbone : How to bring model-view-controller structure to Ajax web applications
Use the jQuery Mobile API for fine-grained custom control : Extend jQuery Mobile by setting global options, hooking into interaction events, and working with exposed methods
Publishing XML data in HTML and PDF using a single XSLT stylesheet : Easily and rapidly convert XML data to HTML and PDF
Data normalization reconsidered, Part 2: Business records in the 21st century - An examination of record keeping in computer systems
Your first cup of CoffeeScript, Part 1: Getting started