Sunday, January 25, 2009

Unleashing the Indian Entrepreneur

Over the past 200 years, these resources of the country have served the rest of the world. It is now time to serve the nation. Unlocking the potential of the nation is not rocket science. It can be achieved and fast, but only if the nation has the determination and the discipline to do so.
According to Jagdish. N. Sheth “one idea to unlock the country's potential is to ignite the Indian entrepreneurship from the bottom-up. Entrepreneurship is one of the most egalitarian and non-discriminatory traits. It transcends literacy, age, gender, caste and religion. It is possible to organize entrepreneurship at grassroots level. But, entrepreneurship cannot flourish unless the nation respects it, promotes it and makes good entrepreneurs its heroes, no matter what religion, caste they belong to. It will also require giving up orthodoxy or respect anchored to history.”

"Misers mistake gold for good, whereas it is only a means of obtaining it," said François de la Rochefoucauld 350 years ago. According to Dipak. C. jain it is the entrepreneur who most seems the antithesis of the skinflint. Rather than hoarding wealth, entrepreneurs try to generate more of it by using ingenuity, taking risks and going beyond conventional notions to offer solutions that improve life, influencing others to do the same. “The best go beyond themselves to focus on solving problems that make a difference for others. They aim to transcend traditional boundaries of business and geography to take a global perspective on the world, thereby improving their own and society's fortunes.”
However, Rohit Agarwal, CEO, Techtribe says “When we look at comparisons between the Silicon Valley and India, the latter is moving in the right direction although not completely there yet. The gaps exist in attitudes rather than infrastructure and availability of money.
For example, a majority of the best IT students from foreign universities would be driven to solve a major problem rather than make money. Their passions drive what they do professionally whereas here, entrepreneurs are more interested in making money rather than solving the problem.
The other pitfall is the reluctance, if not the inability, to take risks. Venture capitalists notwithstanding, this tendency prevents Indian entrepreneurs from stepping out on their own and changing the environment in the most fundamental way.”
Dipak speaks of wider media emphasis on entrepreneurship.” Newspapers and magazines should get more engaged and feature stories about entrepreneurs and business leaders who are making a difference. Articles that reveal how these people have achieved their success are especially helpful, as are pieces that discuss business strategy, since readers can then gain the inspiration and understanding to start their own ventures.
After all, the outcome is the sight, but the process to reach that outcome provides the insight.
Indians have entrepreneurship in their DNA. Unleashing that power requires dream, drive and a diploma. The Indian middle class will continue to grow so long as proper training and education is available to those seeking to better themselves.
With commitment from the Indian government to provide the foundations for economic growth, and in partnership with the nation's educational system and media leaders, the road to entrepreneurship has never been so open as it is today.”